Make your message stand out.
Strategic Education.
It began with a request for a solar array sign, however it quickly became an opportunity to educate visitors about the carbon neutral energy system at Colby College. Carbon neutral since 2013, Colby invested in multiple green technologies that worked synergistically, often invisibly, across campus.
This project offered the opportunity to:
• Rebrand Green Colby into Sustainable Colby
• Create a multi location educational sign installation
• Expand the branding into new areas and opportunities including E-bikes, bike racks, and Big Belly refuse, compost, and recycling bins -
Spread the Word.
Adjacent to the newly installed, ground mounted solar array, a billboard celebrating Colby College’s dedication to carbon neutrality was erected facing Interstate 95 North.
Bring in Texture.
Visitors to The Jackson Laboratory discover the multiple Nobel Prizes attributed to research orginating at JAX or research with mouse models developed within JAX Mice & Services.
This 30 ft. wall includes custom replicas of Dr. George Snell’s original Nobel Prize affixed to a section of mouse room wall railing.The attention to detail in this installation brings the visitor in touch with historic moments in human health and medicine.